Of course, one has to be careful. Especially if the supermarket is very full, especially if you notice signs of nervousness around you. Mom with crying kids? Avoid their aisle. Lady pushing her trolley as if she is running for her life? Give her way. Other lady darting killer looks every time somebody stands in front of HER shelf? Come back later.
The risks are manyfold if you don't follow these simple shopping tactics. You could enter an unwanted discussion, or the Mom with the crying kids could be panicking a little and ask YOUR help to reach for the oil on the top shelf. Or someone could hurt you with the shopping trolley.
Seems unlikely you say? Not in the UK and maybe we should pay attention in other parts of the world too. Especially around Christmas time, some customers were hit by other customers with their trolleys, and not by accident. The hitters did so on purpose and sometimes with very serious consequences. It's called "trolley rage" and according to the dictionary it's associated both with airports and stations but also with small grocery shops. Indeed, it looks like the dimensions of the place we are shopping in does not affect the rage. It's the slowness of the customers, the hesitation in front of the shelves that causes the rage and the hit.
The hit is not always immediate, some people are so furious that they are ready to wait for you at the exit to run over you better. Isn't it called premeditation? So please, watch out. Somebody could be choosing you as their next target...
Interessante tema...a questo proposito vorrei anche segnalare episodi di "teppismo senile" all'esselunga a Milano..dove in coda alla cassa (stavo peraltro aspettando che cliente precedente e cassiera concludessero le loro procedure e non contando i tic-tac di ogni confezione) sono stata letteralmente presa a cestinate da una vecchietta che tentava di dissimularle fingendo di non accorgersene...lo sguardo assassino c'era tutto e quindi alla fine per quieto vivere l'ho fatta passare...che dire? altri mi han confermato che il fenomeno esiste ed è frequente...Li Jiao mia, che ne pensi?
Cara Anonima amica,
penso che viviamo ormai in una civilta' incivile e che le vecchiette siano molto pericolose. Ti suggerisco di scegliere sempre la fila alla cassa dove non ve ne sono, magari vedi un po' se c'e' una fila di soli uomini single.....
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