Saturday, 28 April 2012

Un amore incompreso

More about The Blind Assassin

Che peccato non poter trasmettere l'amore per un libro che ci ha preso davvero agli altri!
The Blind Assassin di Margaret Atwood, non riesco a convincere nessuno dei miei (pochi) amici a provarlo. Qualcuno e' scoraggiato dal titolo, dicendomi che dopo il post sulle bambole assassine non ne vuole sapere dei miei consigli di lettura, qualcuno mi mente dicendo che lo trova bellissimo ma poi scopro che non l'ha letto per niente.
D'accordo, me ne faro' una ragione ma intanto voglio affidare a questo post alcune citazioni che ho doverosamente tratto da questo vero capolavoro al femminile senza essere femminista.
#1. Even if love was underneath it all, there was a great deal piled on top, and what would you find when you dug down?
#2. What you don't know won't hurt you. A dubious maxim: sometimes what you don't know can hurt you very much.
#3. More and more I feel like a letter - deposited here, collected there. But a letter addressed to no one.
#4. ...trying to look purposeful; trying not to look so lonely and empty.
#5. (This last was not true, but I was learning which lies, as a wife, I was automatically expected to tell.)
#6. He's a man for whom chewing is a form of thinking.
#7. Soon you'll regret all that sun-tanning. Your face will look like a testicle.
#8. But in life, a tragedy is not one long scream. It includes everything that led up to it. Hour after trivial hour, day after day, year after year, and the the sudden moment
#9. No flowers without shit.

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