Monday, 10 October 2011


I am not talking about sleepless nights. I am talking about sleepless mornings. When your eyes open up and you watch the alarm and it's only 5 and you say: Oh, God, not again.
It's not about going to bed early or late. Yesterday it was just before 1 o'clock when I went to sleep and here I was at 5.30. In a way, I am used to it and I have developed some tactics to make the better out of it.
For example, if I toss and turn in my bed trying to go back to sleep, most of the time it doesn't work. It's just terribly frustrating. But if I get up and transfer onto the sofa making myself comfortable, switching on the tv or the radio in a low volume it might work. The whispering in the background helps me doze off. It doesn't really matter what's on.
Apparently this morning not even this worked. As a second choice, I took my friend M's suggestion to just start my day. Answer your mail, read the news - or, in my case, write your new post. This eliminates frustration and bad morning thoughts. One problem remains, though: at 8 feel like your day is over.
Prof. DCS used to say that by 8 in the morning "a good interpreter" has already learned a new language. Now I know he must have been troubled by morning insomnia, too!

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