Monday, 26 September 2011

The Last King of New York. And his Princess.

I know that being Italian I should probably comment on Mrs. Gelmini's gaffe or some Berlusconi stuff. But I don't feel like it. There would be too less to add to what has already been said.

Let's talk about the Gottis, instead, and in particular John Gotti and one of his daughters, Victoria.
So this John Gotti was not at all famous like Lucky Luciano or Al Capone or all the lot, even though he had the merit to reunite under his own egida the 5 Mafia families of New York. He is much more remembered for his style: very elegant, so much that he earned the nickname of the Dapper Don; apparently totally unscathed by the many trials he underwent without ever being pinned to his many crimes, characteristic that earned him his second nick: Teflon Don - till his fall-down in 1992. He was the last icon of the Hollywood type of gangster and many movie characters are actually shaped after him. Just to mention one: Michele Corleone in the Godfather.


Now, what can come out of a Gotti? Some kids, one of which is Victoria, New York socialite. I used to watch a reality with the Gottis and thought blond Victoria as a kind of vulgar useless lady. Now I read she was and is very bright, can write (she even published some apparently successful thrillers - I checked, they're out of print, so I can't testify to that), and has turned her notorious family name into something (legally) profitable. Chapeau. And probably never judge from appearances....

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