Saturday, 13 August 2011

Mooncup - simple gadgets for a simpler life

It comes with different names, different colours and a couple of sizes.
Let's call it Mooncup,  the original name for it - or the Keeper, Diva Cup, Lady Cup, Lunette, 月杯. A silicone menstrual cup that if you are patient enough to give it a try, will change some habits of yours and also save you some good money.
It takes a couple of menstrual cycles to get used to it. As the actress said to the bishop, if at the beginning the "put- it- in" part seems the most challenging, you will soon discover that the real challenge comes with the "take-it-out".
I ordered it in the UK, and it arrived pretty fast in an unassuming envelope with its own instructions. But as usual, if you are not much into reading instructions, there is plenty of videos on the Net.
The price is usually around 30euros, more or less, depending on where you order/buy it. It is available on Amazon, La Bottega della Luna, and many more. At the beginning of my search, I spotted a factory in Guangdong, China and I sent an e-mail to inquire about availability in Beijing. Of course, they make it in China but you cannot buy it here, it's just for export. My Cantonese correspondent was ready to send me one for as much as 100rmb (about 10 euros). I thought about it. But then decided to order it on, you never know with the entrepreneurial spirit - was he trying to sell me a faulty cup or, worse, was he stealing his wife's to make a couple of bucks?! And by the way, I even found posts by people who wanted to sell their own, saying "Just used it once". Well, even if it's silicone and can easily sterilize it you actually don't want to *wear* a second-hand mooncup... or do you?

If you are concerned about the environment, keep also in mind that tampons and sanitary pads are one kind of waste that will haunt the environment for ... ever.

You are wondering why you never heard about it before? Well, just think about it: you invest 30euros and it can last 10years or more. Now you do your own calculation, how much you invest in tampons and the like in a lifetime and it's easy to understand that no multinational enterprise involved in the production of tampons and sanitary pads will ever want to let the word spread.

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